
Generally I go by the instruction in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 46, verse 2. It reads, "Notwithstanding [that which was] written, it [was] given to the elders of my church in the beginning, and ever shall be, [that they shall] conduct all meetings as they are ... guided by the Spirit." That's pretty inclusive. I follow that, and sometimes it takes a little courage to go with a blank mind, but it always comes. You stand up, and the Spirit always comes. We don't worry about you because you're connected to the powers of heaven, and you need not be afraid. We all draw from our experience, as well as from the Spirit, but he seems to draw more from the Spirit than any other. But he also has pertinent personal experiences to share that help people apply, in simple ways, the gospel. And I think that's perhaps his greatest strength, that he makes it simple. As a member of the Twelve, I don't hold any more priesthood than any high priest in the Church or any elder in the Church. We have conferred upon us that priesthood after the holiest order of God, the Melchizedek Priesthood. If you understand that, any elder anywhere in the world has authority to do what needs doing. I sense in these opportunities that there's a hunger, in a way, to just share an experience together where we all feel the Spirit, where we all are being taught according to our need and our circumstances in an individual way by the Spirit. It's a group meeting but an individual tutoring. There is nothing that cannot be overcome, cannot be conquered, cannot be dealt with, if you have the Holy Ghost.

There is little you can achieve that's lasting without it. And I believe everyone who participates appreciates that opportunity. We hunger for it; we look forward to that; we all have a need for it. Another thing I sense is a longing to hear the testimony of an Apostle--not that they don't have it themselves. We're sharing a testimony that most everyone who hears it also possesses. I bear witness of the Father, who has ordained that we would each receive the Holy Ghost, who loves us so much that He gave His Son. That being the first and foremost responsibility of an Apostle, to bear witness of the name of Christ, is the thing that has the greatest impact, I think, and that people most want to feel. And the Son, who willingly placed upon the altar His own life--who is the very Son of God, who is the literally resurrected Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who stands at the head of this Church. But I think that's the greatest service we can provide to people in and out of the Church, to know that one thing, for surety, of the Savior--that He is the Son of God, that we do have a Heavenly Father, who is His Father and our Father, and that His grace is sufficient for our salvation and our resurrection, and all that that entails. That's everything that matters.

Sandy Leadership Training: Let the Holy Spirit Guide

When leaders listen to and follow the Spirit, it will enable them to conduct meetings in the manner described in Doctrine and Covenants 46:2

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