
"Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely, and do something for him or her." Dozens and dozens of Primaries challenged the children to provide service, and then those acts of service were recorded and sent to me.

An 11-year-old girl wrote: "There was a family in my ward that did not have a lot of money. They have three little girls. The mom and dad had to go somewhere, so I offered to watch the three girls.

The dad was just about to hand me a $5 bill. I said, 'I can't take [it].' My service was that I watched the girls for free." May the words of a familiar hymn penetrate our very souls and find lodgment in our hearts: "Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad? If not, I have failed indeed. Has anyone's burden been lighter today because I was willing to share? Have the sick and weary been helped on their way? When they needed my help was I there?" My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness--be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us.

Pass It On

Children around the world have taken President Thomas S. Monson's counsel to find a way to serve others.

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