
[MUSIC PLAYING] The Spirit has blessed my life in so many ways. It's taken me through the darkest times of my life. And it's been the biggest comfort to me in times of sadness. This last year I went through a really difficult time. I lost my mom. And it's something that I thought I would never, obviously, have to deal with. But I can honestly say that I know that I've made it through this trial because of the Spirit. I get easily overwhelmed when a lot is thrown at me. There are a lot of times where I just kind of break down at the end of the day, get down on my knees. And I'm so tired and sometimes don't know which direction to go. And I can always look for the comfort of the Spirit to kind of bring me back down and recognize that things aren't all that bad. The biggest thing for me is that every single hard thing that we go through in life is easier with the companionship of the Holy Ghost. And sometimes that ease is just through comfort or courage when we're going through something hard. But it's always easier if we have the Holy Ghost with us. Especially at those times that are kind of scary. And even though things are crazy still around you, you feel that peace, and I guess you're comforted in just knowing that you're not alone. I was with my mom when she passed away. And that experience was something that I hold really sacred and special to me. And going through that night and the following week, I can honestly tell you that that week, I felt the Spirit so much. And I think without the constant companionship of the Spirit, I honestly would have broken and not been able to do the things that were necessary during that week. In my life I've dealt with tragic deaths, I've dealt with heartbreak, because anytime these moments come around, you can pray for strength. And those feelings of peace, love, joy, and happiness, they come. I was feeling very bitter about everything and angry, and I just wanted revenge. And I just wanted to avenge these girls that have been mean to me. And my friend told me a scripture. But just because she shared with me her experience through that scripture, I felt the Spirit. And I knew that I had to forgive and forget. My favorite scripture has always been John 14:27. I love the last line so much that says, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I really just don't fear in the times when I've come up against hard things or people I love are going through hard things. And that is hard, but I don't have to fear in the long term. Recently I was having a rough day. Things in my life were seeming really difficult and dark. And I took a drive up the canyon. And it was so great for me because I was able to get a lot of clarity in my mind. For me, it really helped knowing that I will see my mom again. The Spirit taught me a lot about the plan of salvation. And learning these principles again, more in depth and on a more personal level--that has helped bring the Spirit into my life more than I have ever had. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Comfort in Trials

The Holy Spirit can provide comfort during difficult trials and challenges.

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