undefined undefined Your Day for a Mission

There will always be something you leave behind when you respond to the prophet's call to serve.

In 1961, at age 18 and holding the Aaronic Priesthood, Sidney Going was becoming a star in New Zealand rugby. Because of his remarkable abilities, many thought he would be chosen the very next year for the national All Blacks rugby team.

At age 19, in this critical moment of his ascending rugby career, Sid declared that he would forego rugby to serve a mission. Some called him crazy. Others called him foolish. They protested that his opportunity in rugby might never come again. Forty-eight years ago this month, 19-year-old Sidney Going left New Zealand to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It was evening, and he and his companion were just about to return to their apartment.

They decided to visit one more family.

The father let them in. Elder Going and his companion testified of the Savior.

The family accepted a Book of Mormon. The father read all night. In the next week and a half, he read the entire Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price. A few weeks later, the family was baptized.

After his mission, Sid Going became one of the greatest halfbacks in All Blacks history.

How good was Sid Going? He was so good that training and game schedules were changed because he would not play on Sunday. Sid was so good, the Queen of England acknowledged his contribution to rugby. He was so good, a book was written about him entitled Super Sid. A mission instead of a place on the New Zealand All Blacks team? Sid responded, "The blessing of bringing others into the gospel far outweighs anything you will ever sacrifice." One of the great miracles of missionary service in this Church is that Sid Going and thousands just like him have not asked, "What will I get from my mission?" but rather, "What can I give?" The priesthood of God has been restored to the earth, and the Lord has set His hand to prepare the world for His glorious return. These are days of great opportunity and important responsibilities. These are your days.

Your Day for a Mission

At 19, Sid Going was a shoo-in for New Zealand's national rugby team, but he chose to serve a mission first.

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