
[MUSIC PLAYING] Music really is so powerful in our spirituality. My musical development and my spiritual development really went hand in hand growing up and still do. When I was in music school--I was at Curtis and Juilliard--I was struggling to find my path.

I would enter big, international violin competitions and not win them. And I would try to get a manager and not get one. I knew I'd been given a musical gift and that Heavenly Father wanted me to share it. But I didn't know how that was going to happen.

I spoke to Michael Ballam about just struggling to find my place in this scary musical world. And he said, "Jenny, the Lord has a different path for you. And just keep doing what's right and try to prepare yourself to be the best you can be in your field, and He'll open up doors." [MUSIC PLAYING] In my home, I can definitely feel such a difference when we sing the hymns or when my kids perform the hymns on their instruments. And we can be having a wonderful, wonderful family time, but then when we sit down and perform together, there's a different spirit. It's so much more powerful. And I'm so grateful that we bring the hymns into our worship.

I always wondered how I'd ever be a stay-at-home mom and still a performer. My little five-year-old just began the guitar, and he is dying to play "I Am a Child of God" with his sisters. And so it's brought our family together, and it's helped them feel the Spirit in a truly profound way. The Lord may not open the door that I'm trying to open for me. But He'll open a different one. And I know it's because it's the Lord's path that He had in store for me. [MUSIC PLAYING] Music is such a huge part of our worship in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I'm grateful that I was given a musical gift. And I'm grateful that I've been given opportunities to train and develop and share that gift. And I just feel so grateful to be able to play sacred music that touches my soul and hopefully touches others as well. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good.

Jenny Oaks Baker Shares Testimony

According to classical violinist Jenny Oaks Baker, whose most recent album was nominated for the 54th Grammy Awards’ Best Pop Instrumental Album, there’s a lot more that goes into creating a fairy tale than just wishing—it takes faith and focus.

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