
[MUSIC PLAYING] When I was a teenager, I used to take a long way home. And this one night I just had a feeling, "Just go home." And I thought that was strange, but I thought, "Oh, well." So I did. And the next day when I got home, my mother showed me a newspaper that showed an automobile wreck where four teenagers had been killed, right on the route that I would have taken. As I went back and retraced that route, it was the exact time that I would have been at that corner that the wreck took place. The Spirit has definitely protected me from making wrong decisions. Even though we know what we should be doing, we need the Holy Ghost to remind us when to do it. This feeling of the peace that I get when the choice is right is indescribable. And when I'm making a choice or a decision that isn't quite, probably, within the Lord's guidelines for me, I do feel that unsettled feeling and know that what I'm choosing and thinking isn't right. Sometimes it's so subtle that you don't recognize it. And only later, as you see how things work out, get the confirmation again, and you say, "OK. Now I understand that was from the Lord." It's been cool to know that you can go to Him and ask Him specific questions. And if you want to know how He speaks to you, want to recognize that, you ask Him that. You ask Him. "Heavenly Father, I want to recognize Your Spirit when You speak to me." As you do that and as you read your scriptures, pray, and continually put yourself in those places to feel the Spirit, He'll reveal that to you. If you want to talk to the Lord, get down on your knees. If you want the Lord to talk to you, open your scriptures. So many times, when we're reading the scriptures regularly, the answer comes in a verse that looks like it was dictated just for us. And that's the Spirit working. If I study the scriptures, I know that that invites revelation from the Spirit. I keep a little journal with my scripture study. And there are so many times when I read a verse and I think, "Oh, that's nice. I'm going to write down a little thing about it." But as I start to write, suddenly my mind is filled with so much more that I'm learning from that scripture. But when we invite the Spirit to reveal truth to us, He's so eager to tell us and to give us the truth that we need. For young adults who are facing some of the great decisions of their life, you have to remember that the Lord gets to decide everything about revelation. He gets to decide when it comes, how it comes. Let's say you're praying about whether you should marry this person or not. Sometimes we want it to come our way. We want something dramatic. "I want to feel the tingle so I know that he's the one for me" or "she's the one for me." And you don't tell the Lord how to do His business. So you just keep your life in order so that you can hear that still, small voice. And then sometimes you just move forward with trust and say, "If this is wrong, let me know. But otherwise I'm going." It's been the greatest blessing to recognize someone that you're supposed to spend the rest your life with. It's been a great blessing to have that confirmed to your heart. My only dating advice for anybody: Understand that the Lord is mindful of you and He's mindful of your circumstances in that He's going to bless you with what you need. But it's always going to be in His time. And as long as you realize that, as long as you do what you're supposed to do, no blessing will ever be withheld from you. Life is so complex that you can't get a rule book that covers every situation. Even the scriptures give you principles. The only way you can know what to do in any situation is to have the presence of a member of the Godhead with you, and that's the Holy Ghost. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Receiving Revelation

You can receive personal revelation from God by living His gospel and having the gift of the Holy Spirit.

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