
[MUSIC PLAYING] When I was eight years old, I was baptized, but shortly after that, I fell away from the Church. I ran into Word of Wisdom issues. I ran into all sorts of issues. And I ended up just wondering if there was a God-- just wondering if there's something there. I was talking with my uncle one evening and he started talking to me about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He told me to go pray about these things that we talked about. And as I went down into my room and knelt at the side of my bed, I started to say this prayer. I remember a feeling that started off in my heart. And it felt like it just filled my whole body. I felt like this power was just overwhelming. But for a split moment, that fear was instantly replaced with this feeling of clarity. I knew exactly what I had to do with my life. The Holy Ghost helped increase my testimony because He testified to me that all the things that I'd been learning are true. Or when other people are giving their testimonies, I also feel the Spirit, which testifies to me that what they're saying is true. My life just completely changed. It's like, when I say I would have been on this path without the Spirit and this path with the Spirit-- obviously, I wouldn't have gone on a mission. And my mission-- I mean, it was everything to me. It was exactly what I needed right then. The main lesson that I took away was finding a way to have the Spirit with me. And it took me about nine full months. And I remember getting down on my knees and saying to Heavenly Father, we're not having very much success. You know I'm here to work. Help me to understand this. And I woke up that next day. I just remember it was really interesting to see what had happened, from a convert standpoint. I just put aside everything. I started focusing on the work. And it was amazing how everything came about after that. Of course, there are times in the Spirit has been very strong. I think when I was 14 and prayed about the Book of Mormon, before I could even get the words out, I just felt the Spirit in my heart just really strong, and I just felt so filled with light. Not everything is like that, but as I read the scriptures or as I hear truths at Church, then it's confirmed to me in my heart that these things are true. And so your testimony just grows little by little. I had a huge experience overnight, but I would say step by step, it led me to where I needed to be. I ended up going on a mission. I ended up marrying in the temple. And so I'm reading through the Book of Mormon, and boom, you get a aha-- the thought that these things are true comes to your mind-- peace, joy, overwhelming happiness. And it's just like impressed on your soul. And then the cool thing is it's not something that happens once. It's something that happens over-- over and over again. Well, my first experience that I had goes back when I was eight years old and I was ready to get baptised. So that morning, my mom was finishing the dress that I was going to wear after my baptism. And it was a beautiful blue organza. So she's trying to finish my dress so I can have this beautiful dress. And I just walked in the sewing room. And I asked her, why am I going to get baptised? And she said, I'm a little busy. Why don't you go ask Heavenly Father why do you need to get baptised? So I went to my room and kneeled down. And there was this overwhelming experience in which I was not able to finish my prayers. So I run into the sewing room and I told my mom, mommy, mommy, why am I crying so much? And she told me that was the Spirit telling me and making a confirmation that what I was going to do was the right thing to do. This experience has changed my life around from where it used to be. It was amazing to feel the Spirit. You could say I was in a mist of darkness-- that I didn't necessarily even know where I was. It was all a blur. And the opportunity arose. And I saw a light, in a sense, and ran towards it as fast as I could. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Increase Your Testimony

Strengthen your testimony of God and His teachings by recognizing the feelings of the Holy Spirit.

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