undefined undefined Having the Holy Ghost

[MUSIC PLAYING] To have the Spirit with you at all times, you have to always have a prayer in your heart, keep your mind pure, and always try to have Christlike standards. For me to have the Spirit with me, I need to make sure that I invite the Spirit-- following what I know my Savior wants me to do-- and then I need to have the desire for it to be with me. As far as the Spirit's concerned, learning to understand or know what it is is a process, and it's something just like learning to dribble a basketball or learning to do anything you want to do in life. It's something you have to work at. I was noticing how many of the prayers that are asked are to allow the Spirit to be here, allow the Spirit to be with us. And that, really, I think is very important-- that we ask. I make sure to think about the Savior as much as possible. You know, I have pictures around in my house and in my room and I think those little reminders just help you focus on the things that truly matter in life. I definitely start out each morning praying that I'll have the Spirit with me, and just trying to find those quiet moments throughout the day, as you pray and as you read the scriptures and as you read the words of the living prophet. When you go to the temple, you feel like your spirit has been fed. There is a constant guidance of what you're doing is the right thing to do. Life just gets so busy, and I start realizing, gosh, if I don't have it with me all the time, how can I be expected to do all the things that are thrown at me? It's easy to forget to have the Spirit with you, but you can feel the difference so much more when you're used to having it and then it's gone. I don't have an answer, I just know when I don't have it, it's time to start over-- prayer, scriptures, doing exactly what I need to to have Him. I really think that the biggest way to get the Spirit in your life is to read the words of the prophets and apostles that testify of Jesus Christ, to read the words of the Savior, and then to live by what they say. That's the biggest thing. You can't just read the word, but not do the deed. You have to live the teachings of Jesus Christ, and that means filling your heart with love for your fellow man and striving to have charity. And if you do those two things, then you'll naturally keep all the other commitments. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Having the Holy Ghost

You can invite the Holy Spirit into your life through prayer, scripture study and being obedient to God’s commandments.

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