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Same-gender attraction presents many issues and questions in society at large. These include what causes it, whether it is subject to change in kind or degree, and whether or the extent to which laws like marriage should accommodate it. Our discussion is limited to two related questions we sometimes hear in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: "What does our doctrine teach us about how family members and Church members should treat one another when one of their members is struggling with some of these issues?" and "How can we help members of the Church who struggle with same-gender attractions but want to remain active and fully engaged in the Church?" This same topic was discussed with all of the General Authorities of the Church in April of 2012. We will not discuss any of the multitude of other issues and questions. There is so much we don't understand about this subject that we'd do well to stay close to what we know from the revealed word of God. What we do know is that the doctrine of the Church--that sexual activity should only occur between a man and a woman who are married--has not changed and is not changing. But what is changing and what needs to change is to help our own members and families understand how to deal with same-gender attraction.