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Our hope is that--with this site and other endeavors we might make--that empathy will grow in families where a member of the family says, "I've got same-sex attraction--we need to deal with this," and that empathy will grow on the part of that person, as well, who can sense what this means for the other members of the family--the distress that parents may feel, for example--and that with time, with love, with diligent effort and listening to one another, there can be accommodations made and resolutions found that protect the integrity of the family and each member of the family. I think what's critical is that we try to resolve this in patience and with a divine perspective, not trying to dictate to God how and what His answers will be to our prayers or when and how He might intervene in this situation, but trying to achieve and understand His perspective on things so that everyone's desire is to do what the Lord would want done, to do it in the Lord's way and not one's own way and not simply to be thinking of one's own feelings exclusively. And that might work out differently in one family than another. We're trying to communicate that our love is inclusive, that we want to have the family remain intact and the relationships we have treasured over the years to remain and to grow. So there will be some work to be done, but it's work that ought to always be with the question "What does the Lord want? How would He have us do this together?"