
[MUSIC PLAYING] The purpose of seminary is to help youth and young adults understand and rely on the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven. The purpose of online seminary is to provide these same opportunities for students whose priesthood leaders feel it is a better option for them, due to distance or other compelling factors. Online seminary is a new addition to the existing daily, released-time, and home-study seminary classes. It can bless the lives of the students who participate in it, but there are several factors priesthood leaders should consider before offering it as an option to the students in your area.

What should priesthood leaders consider before offering online seminary? The stake president, in counsel with the seminaries and institutes coordinator, decides which type of seminary classes to offer and who may participate in those different classes. Online seminary is not intended to replace established daily or released-timed classes. When deciding what classes to provide, preference should be given to classes where students meet face to face. Online classes should be considered in situations where students cannot meet each weekday because of distance or other limiting factors, where home-study has been the primary means of participating in seminary. Online seminary is preferred to home-study classes when students and teachers have daily access to a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. Here is an example of a situation where online seminary can be used to provide a meaningful seminary experience: The Rosebud Stake has six wards and two branches. There are several early-morning classes with called teachers who meet with their students. However, the priesthood leaders have identified several students who live too far away to be able to travel to and from seminary each day. In the past, these students have been in home-study seminary, a daily class taught by a parent, or for various reasons, have not been able to participate in seminary at all. In all cases, the online seminary class is taught by a teacher called by stake leaders. A ward or stake could have more than one online class if they have a sufficient amount of students.

What is online seminary?

Online seminary seeks to provide a daily seminary experience that uses Internet technologies to connect students and teachers together. Each week, there are four days of online lessons, where students study the scriptures, participate in online learning experiences, and interact with their teacher and the other students in their class. Once each week, the teacher and all the students in the class meet together in a face-to-face class. "Good morning, students. Glad to see you so bright and early." In locations where this is not possible, the weekly class may be held virtually, using approved tools. Classes are not held on Sunday. (SINGING) There is an hour of peace and rest ... An online class starts with students logging into their online seminary class. They start by participating in a devotional. [MUSIC: SECRET PRAYER"] (SINGING) ... before the Lord I go. Then an online seminary lesson. These lessons will require the students to study the scriptures, look for answers, and write responses as part of a guided, sequential scripture study. An online lesson usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the student's ability. The students complete these four online lessons during the weekdays on their own schedule. They do not need to complete the lessons at the same time as other students. A student gets credit for an online lesson by completing all of the assigned activities for that day. Students should complete their lessons daily on the assigned weekday. The teacher and students study the same online lessons together, as a group, each week. The teacher will open and close the availability of the lessons to help students stay caught up and learn together as a class. If a student does fall behind, the teacher can work with him or her to decide the best way to complete the necessary makeup work. In addition to the online lessons in weekly class, students will be asked to form the habit of personal scripture study--outside of the time that they work on their online seminary assignments.

What are the benefits of online seminary? While online seminary is different than the face-to-face classes, it also has some unique benefits. No matter if they are shy or outgoing, all students can participate equally in an online seminary class, because each can take the time they need to carefully craft their responses. Online seminary teachers and students have noted that the comments in online seminary can be deep and reflective. Students do not feel the pressure to respond quickly, and tend to ponder more deeply the questions they are given. In addition, many online seminary activities allow for one-on-one student-teacher interaction, creating the possibility for meaningful, individualized instruction as well. While it does require extra effort, online students who commit to and participate in their online seminary class report wonderful opportunities to learn from the scriptures and by the Spirit. There are many blessings that can come into the lives of the youth through seminary, whether they are in a daily, online, or home-study class. "When you have the chance to be involved in seminary, whether in the early-morning or in released-time classes, take advantage of that opportunity. Many of you are attending seminary now. As with anything in life, much of what you take from your seminary experience depends on your attitude and your willingness to be taught. May your attitude be one of humility and a desire to learn. How grateful I am for the opportunity I had as a teenager to attend early-morning seminary, for it played a vital role in my development and the development of my testimony. Seminary can change lives. "Let seminary help build and strengthen your testimony. There will be times when you will face challenges which might jeopardize your testimony, or you may neglect it as you pursue other interests. I plead with you to keep it strong. It is your responsibility, and yours alone, to keep its flame burning brightly. Effort is required, but it is effort you will never, ever regret."

Introducing Online Seminary: Priesthood Leaders

Helping priesthood leaders understand what should be considered when deciding whether or not to offer online seminary classes in their areas

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