
[MUSIC PLAYING] The purpose of seminary is to help youth and young adults understand and rely on the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven. The purpose of online seminary is to provide these same opportunities for students whose priesthood leaders feel it is a better option for them, due to distance or other compelling factors. Online seminary is a new addition to the existing daily, released-time, and home-study seminary classes. It can bless the lives of the students who participate in it.

What is online seminary?

Online seminary seeks to provide a daily seminary experience that uses Internet technologies to connect students and teachers together. Each week, there are four days of online lessons, where students study the scriptures, participate in online learning experiences, and interact with their teacher and the other students in their class. Once each week, the teacher and all the students in the class meet together in a face-to-face class. "Good morning, students. Glad to see you so bright and early." In locations where this is not possible, the weekly class may be held virtually, using approved tools. Classes are not held on Sunday. [MUSIC: "SECRET PRAYER"] (SINGING) There is an hour of peace and rest ... An online class starts with students logging into their online seminary class. They start by participating in a devotional, and then an online seminary lesson. These lessons will require the students to study the scriptures, look for answers, and write responses as part of a guided, sequential scripture study. An online lesson usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the student's ability. The students complete these four online lessons during the weekdays on their own schedule. They do not need to complete the lessons at the same time as other students. A student gets credit for an online lesson by completing all of the assigned activities for that day. Students should complete their lessons daily on the assigned weekday. The teacher and students study the same online lessons together, as a group, each week. The teacher will open and close the availability of the lessons to help students stay caught up and learn together as a class. If a student does fall behind, the teacher can work with him or her to decide the best way to complete the necessary makeup work. In addition to the online lessons in weekly class, students will be asked to form the habit of personal scripture study--outside of the time that they work on their online seminary assignments.

What are the requirements for online students? Each online seminary student must have daily access to a computer with a high-speed Internet connection. The necessary software will need to be downloaded and installed. Each student will need to be online for about 30 to 45 minutes a day, as well as attend the weekly class, either face to face or virtually. Before starting class, students and parents sign the provided seminary registration form, agreeing to the Internet and online use policy agreement. Each student will need to have an LDS account to participate in online seminary. They will need an email address as well as their membership record number.

What is the role of the teacher in online seminary? The time commitment for an online seminary teacher is similar to a daily seminary teacher. For a class of 10 to 15 students, a teacher can expect to spend about two hours a day, both online and preparing to teach the weekly class. While this does require a significant effort on the part of these teachers, it cannot be understated the impact a teacher can have with online students when they actively participate each day in their online seminary class. Online teachers log in daily to their online seminary class to study the lesson materials along with their students, review their work, participate in class discussions, and respond to questions. They also create online class discussions, change the online course bulletin board, and other activities that will encourage their students to ask questions, further their thinking, and create meaningful interaction between everyone in the class. Teachers also track daily attendance, completion of lessons, and open and close the availability of lessons to help each student have a daily seminary experience. An important part of this process is to provide praise and encouragement for all students, not just those who fall behind. This can be done on the online bulletin boards and forums, individually through email, or by a personal call to the students or their parents, if needed. The online teacher's role is not to create the lessons, but to help students engage in the scriptures and their online activities. An online teacher can see when and if a student has completed the online activities. If needed, the lessons can be modified to meet the students' and class needs. In addition to their online activities, teachers also prepare for and teach the weekly class using their scriptures and the seminary materials.

How can students get the most out of their online class? Students should set a regular time each day to do their online lessons and make it a priority. This usually requires students to schedule the family computer with their parents so there are no conflicts. This is especially important when more than one student will be using the same computer. Students will need to work at creating an environment where they can focus and learn by the Spirit. This would include eliminating distractions and not visiting other sites while completing their online lessons. Students may need to reach outside of their comfort zone to get to know their teacher and other students in an online environment. If they receive a message from the teacher or the other students, it is helpful to let them know that the message has been received.

What can parents do to support their online students? Parents can facilitate online seminary by helping their students schedule a daily time to use the family computer and to make seminary a priority. They should also encourage prompt and active communication with their teacher. Online seminary students need to develop good online study habits. Parents can encourage them to eliminate distractions, such as music or social websites while doing their assignments. Occasionally, they could sit down with their scriptures and go through a lesson or two with their child so they understand how the lessons work, and to see their progress. They could also ask their child what they are learning in seminary and ask them to share things they're learning in family home evening. Parents also support by ensuring that their students get to the weekly face-to-face or virtual class. It is essential for online students to attend their weekly class in order to get to know their teacher and other students. Additionally, in the weekly class they can share what they are learning with each other and be strengthened by one another.

What are the benefits of online seminary? While online seminary is different than the face-to-face classes, it also has some unique benefits. No matter if they are shy or outgoing, all students can participate equally in an online seminary class, because each can take the time they need to carefully craft their responses. Online seminary teachers and students have noted that the comments in online seminary can be deep and reflective. Students do not feel the pressure to respond quickly, and tend to ponder more deeply the questions they are given. In addition, many online seminary activities allow for one-on-one student-teacher interaction, creating the possibility for meaningful, individualized instruction as well. While it does require extra effort, online students who commit to and participate in their online seminary class report wonderful opportunities to learn from the scriptures and by the Spirit. There are many blessings that can come into the lives of the youth through seminary, whether they are in a daily, online, or home-study class. "When you have the chance to be involved in seminary, whether in the early-morning or in released-time classes, take advantage of that opportunity. Many of you are attending seminary now. As with anything in life, much of what you take from your seminary experience depends on your attitude and your willingness to be taught. May your attitude be one of humility and a desire to learn. How grateful I am for the opportunity I had as a teenager to attend early-morning seminary, for it played a vital role in my development and the development of my testimony. Seminary can change lives. "Let seminary help build and strengthen your testimony. There will be times when you will face challenges which might jeopardize your testimony, or you may neglect it, as you pursue other interests. I plead with you to keep it strong. It is your responsibility, and yours alone, to keep its flame burning brightly. Effort is required, but it is effort you will never, ever regret."

Introducing Online Seminary: Parents and Students

Helping parents and students understand the online seminary program, the expectations of participating, and how to make the most of their online seminary experience

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