
What is the role of the teacher in online seminary? The time commitment for an online seminary teacher is similar to a daily seminary teacher. For a class of 10 to 15 students, a teacher can expect to spend about two hours a day, both online and preparing to teach the weekly class. While this does require a significant effort on the part of these teachers, it cannot be understated the impact the teacher can have with online students when they actively participate each day in their online seminary class. Online teachers log in daily to their online seminary class to study the lesson materials along with their students, review their work, participate in class discussions, and respond to questions. They also create online class discussions, change the online course bulletin board, and other activities that will encourage their students to ask questions, further their thinking, and create meaningful interaction between everyone in the class. Teachers also track daily attendance, completion of lessons, and open and close the availability of lessons to help each student have a daily seminary experience. An important part of this process is to provide praise and encouragement for all students, not just those who fall behind. This can be done on the online bulletin boards and forums, individually through email, or by a personal call to the students or their parents, if needed. The online teacher's role is not to create the lessons, but to help students engage in the scriptures and their online activities. An online teacher can see when and if a student has completed the online activities. If needed, the lessons can be modified to meet the students' and class needs. In addition to their online activities, teachers also prepare for and teach the weekly class using their scriptures and the seminary materials.

What Is the Role of the Online Teacher?

A description of the teacher’s role in online seminary

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