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>> I was blown away when the announcement was made. It's one of those things you remember where you were and how you felt and what you did next. It was a remarkable moment.
Wow. The world had changed in ways that many don't even recognize. >> It was hard for my wife and I to leave the house because so many people were calling and saying how wonderful it was. I think perhaps everyone in our ward called and other wards that we had lived in. It seems we received calls even from Hawaii as well as North Carolina. People were just so excited about it, and they were so happy for us. >> We are not going to rewrite history. We're not going to do that. The record stands as it is. The record stands as it is.
We're not going to whitewash anything. Once I understand that God has this great plan of happiness (for using language from the Book of Mormon) and that He is no respecter of persons, and that all are alike unto God, and also that He invites all to come onto Him— Black and White, bond or free, male or female— we gain that conviction or testimony that God really lives and that is the Church of Jesus Christ.