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(SINGING) Just one among many, one voice for truth and right. Faithful in test and trial. Rising in His light.
Just few in strength together. We are daughters of a King. One in hope and purpose; as one our voices ring.
We are rising in our virtue. We are rising in the truth. Rising in our promise to rise in strength of youth.
Arise and shine!
High on the mountain top a banner is unfurled. Ye nations now look up, it waves to all the world. In Deseret's sweet peaceful land. On Zion's mount behold it stands.
His house shall then be reared; His glory to display. And people shall be heard in distant lands to say, "We'll now go up and serve the Lord, obey His truth and learn His word." Arise! Come up! To the mountain of the Lord! Come up! Arise! Receive His word! Arise to His covenants divine! Arise and shine! Come up! For there we shall be taught the law that will go forth with truth and widsom fraught to govern all the earth. Forever there His ways we'll tread and save ourselves with all our dead!