
[SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] New members of the Church are filled with desire to follow Jesus Christ. That desire leads them to repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost. Church leaders help new members prepare to receive further ordinances and make sacred covenants in the temple. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] After his baptism, receiving and serving in the priesthood was an important next step for Ricardo and his family. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] As the family continued to progress, ward leaders assigned faithful home teachers to help them prepare to enter the temple. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] How does a new family become truly converted? Led by desire, they follow God's plan, receiving priesthood ordinances and making sacred covenants in holy temples. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Preparing Families to Make Covenants

The Work of Salvation in the Ward and Stake 5.1

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