
Prospective elders progress in the gospel and experience growth as they are ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood, participate in priesthood ordinances and service, and prepare to make and keep temple covenants. I always--whenever I've got a question about the Church or anything, I always go to Ben and ask. And he'll always point me in the right direction. And if I'm unsure about anything, I always go to Ben. [MUSIC PLAYING] So I look out for him as a brother, make sure he's on the straight and narrow. But also, as one of my elders, I'm responsible for him and his progression. It's a comfort to know that Ben is there always. When I first got asked to bless the sacrament, Ben was, you know, "I'll do it with you to show you how everything's done." I've taught him the importance of wearing his best clothes and, wherever possible, wearing a white shirt and tie. I showed him where the scriptures were so that he could read them, so it wasn't the first time that he was just getting up there and reading them. I know the importance of the sacrament, and because of the importance of it, it makes you a bit more nervous. I was at the side of him, so he felt very comfortable. And when he did it, I was saying a little prayer, while he was saying the prayer, that he'd do it fine. It's just reassuring to know that he now knows how to do it the way that our Heavenly Father would have him do it. And that's one thing, again, I've been able to really help him with is priesthood ordinances. Obviously he's not known about how any of them work. There have been a couple of times where I have needed to give blessings to other people and have taken him with me and made sure that he's had actual experience in giving blessings so that when he needs to give one and there's no one else around, he's had that experience. So we don't have to show him exactly how to give a blessing.

I made an added interest in making sure that he's progressed as he should do and that he's kept the commitments that he should and he's known what he's had to do in order to get to where he wanted to be, which was being sealed in the temple. It brings me a lot of comfort to be part of this Church. It just feels amazing that everything's happened, and it's brought me so much happiness in so short a period of time.

How blessed we are to be here in these last days, when the priesthood of God is upon the earth. How privileged we are to bear that priesthood. The priesthood is not so much a gift as it is a commission to serve, a privilege to lift, and an opportunity to bless the lives of others.

Helping Prospective Elders Progress

The Work of Salvation in the Ward and Stake 5.2

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