This is the 182nd Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
(SINGING) Hope of Israel, Zion's army, children of the promised day, see, the chieftain signals onward, and the battle's in array! Hope of Israel, rise in might with the sword of truth and right. Sound the war-cry, "Watch and pray!" Vanquish every foe today.
See the foe in countless numbers, marshaled in the ranks of sin. Hope of Israel, on to battle; now the victory we must win! Hope of Israel, rise in might with the sword of truth and right. Sound the war-cry, "Watch and pray!" Vanquish every foe today.
Strike for Zion, down with error. Flash the sword above the foe! Every stroke disarms a foeman, every step we conquering go. Hope of Israel, rise in might with the sword of truth and right. Sound the war-cry, "Watch and pray!" Vanquish every foe today.
Soon the battle will be over, every foe of truth be down. Onward, onward, youth of Zion, thy reward the victor's crown. Hope of Israel, rise in might with the sword of truth and right. Sound the war-cry, "Watch and pray!" Vanquish every foe today.