
The world is full of so many self-help books, so many self-proclaimed experts, so many theorists, educators, and philosophers who have advice and counsel to give on any and all subjects. With technology today, information on a myriad of subjects is available with the click of a keystroke. It is easy to get caught in the trap of looking to the "arm of flesh" for advice on everything from how to raise children to how to find happiness. While some information has merit, as members of the Church we have access to the source of pure truth, even God Himself. We would do well to search out answers to our problems and questions by investigating what the Lord has revealed through His prophets. With that same technology today, we have at our fingertips access to the words of the prophets on nearly any subject. What has God taught us about marriage and family through His prophets? What has He taught us about education and provident living through His prophets? What has He taught us about happiness and fulfillment through His prophets? What the prophets teach may to some seem outdated, unpopular, or even impossible. But God is a God of order and has established a system whereby we may know His will. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." At the opening of this, the dispensation of the fulness of times, the Lord reaffirmed that He would communicate with us through His prophets. He stated, "My word ... shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same."

The Lord Communicates through Prophets

In a world full of confusion, the words of living prophets will lead the way.

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