
My name is Arina, and I am from Russia. Even though the winters are cold and very snowy here, my favorite season is winter. I like to make snowmen with my sisters, go sledding with my friends, and ice skate at the rink. I always look forward to the winter holidays because we celebrate Christmas and New Year. I also love winter because that's when my birthday is. I like playing with my two younger sisters. My favorite subjects in school are math and reading. I also like to draw and sing. When I go to Primary, I love to hear about Jesus and the stories of His birth and Resurrection. I know He loves and blesses little children. One night I had a very bad dream. I was so frightened that I could not get out of bed to run to my mother. I decided to pray. Suddenly I could feel the Holy Ghost comforting me. Soon I was able to fall asleep quietly. I know that I am never alone. The Holy Ghost is always with me. My name is Arina, and I'm one in a million. [MUSIC PLAYING]


Arina of Russia tells about an experience she had with prayer and feeling the gentle comfort of the Holy Ghost.

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