
My name is Emeri, and I'm from South Australia. I live in the driest state on the driest continent in the world. The summers are hot and dry, and the winters are cold and wet. But I love the place where I live. In our city we enjoy lots of festivals and we have beautiful old churches that we can visit. Our neighborhood is between the hills and the beaches, so there's lots for me, my three brothers, and our parents to do. My favorite thing to do is to read. I think that's why my mum calls me a bookworm. But in school I also like music, art, and drama. I also like to create dances and plays with my friends. One of my favorite desserts is pavlova and meringue cake filled with cream and fruit. I love activity nights in Primary and sharing time on Sundays. I always look forward to general conference because I can hear our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, talk about the gospel. I especially like to hear the stories he tells about the people he served when he was young. He's my favorite modern-day prophet. His stories of service inspired our family to get a small puppy that will grow up to be a guide dog. We get to raise her until she's ready to be trained so that someday she will help someone who is blind, deaf, or disabled have a better life. My name is Emeri, and I am one in a million. [MUSIC PLAYING]


President Thomas S. Monson’s examples of service inspired Emeri and her family to serve others.

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