
My name is Alberto, and I come from Mexico. Mexico is a very beautiful country with many things to see. There are ancient pyramids, historic cathedrals, and even a volcano near where I live. The closest temple is the Mexico City temple. Many kinds of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and plants grow here. Farmers sell them at a market called a mercado. I was blessed with wonderful parents and grandparents. I also have a baby brother named Santiago. He's my favorite person in the whole world. And I love playing with him, and he loves to be with me. My favorite prophet is President Thomas S. Monson. If I could meet him, I would give him a big hug. A few years ago I was very sick. I was in the hospital for many days. Our family had to move to a different city where I could have cleaner air and better weather to help me recover faster. Because of my illness, I gained a testimony about the Word of Wisdom and the blessings Heavenly Father gives when we follow His commandments. My parents taught me that I'm like the prophet Daniel from the Bible, who decided to stay healthy and refused to eat what would harm his body. Sometimes it's hard to make the right choices. But when I'm with Heavenly Father, I know I will be blessed. I'm Alberto, and I'm one in a million. [MUSIC PLAYING]


Alberto from Mexico shares how an illness helped him gain a testimony of the word of wisdom and the blessings that come from following the commandments.

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