
God calls us in our weakness, but He qualifies us for His work. During the years that followed Joseph's vision, he was visited from time to time by heavenly messengers whose purpose was to instruct and prepare him. The first of these was Moroni. He said that there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, and that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it. In time, that record would come forth and be published as the Book of Mormon. The book would be translated by the gift and power of God. Emma Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, began acting as a scribe for her husband and observed him working under the influence of the Holy Ghost. It was marvelous to me as much as anyone else. I knew the book was of divine authenticity. With little formal education, Joseph dictated the translation in a little over two months of actual working time. The translation was completed in June of 1829.

Ministry of Joseph Smith: The Book of Mormon

Joseph Smith receives an ancient record from the angel Moroni and translates it by the power of the Holy Spirit into what is called the Book of Mormon.

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