
[MUSIC PLAYING] George Albert Smith was a figure of national and worldwide influence in the mid 1900s. He was a man known to presidents of the United States and leaders of the world. As the head of a growing global religion, and an emissary of peace throughout war-torn Europe after World War II, he was internationally respected, deserving of the honors of men. Yet a phrase from his creed teaches-- I would avoid publicity of high positions and discourage the flattery of thoughtless friends. George Albert Smith truly exemplified the precept of the New Testament that the praise of God and service to Him was of far more value than the praise of men.

Teachings of George Albert Smith: The Praise of Men or the Praise of God

George Albert Smith pens a personal creed to guide the actions of his life. One element of this creed reminds him to value the praise of God over that of men.

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