
[MUSIC PLAYING] Even as a child, Joseph Fielding Smith loved learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. By the time he was 10 years old, he had read the Book of Mormon twice. When the boys of the baseball team missed him, they knew they could generally find him in the hayloft, reading or memorizing scriptures, or other Church publications. Later known as one of the great gospel scholars of our dispensation, Joseph's childhood appetite for spiritual knowledge laid the foundation for learning that would continue throughout his life. From my earliest recollection, from the time I first could read, I received more pleasure and greater satisfaction out of the study of the scripture, and reading of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and the work that has been accomplished for the salvation of men than from anything else in all the world.

Preparation of Joseph Fielding Smith: A Love of the Scriptures

As a boy, Joseph demonstrates his remarkable interest in studying the scriptures.

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