
When Joseph was 10 years old, he began assisting his mother in her duties as a licensed midwife and obstetrician. Joseph's role was that of stable boy and buggy driver. At all hours of the day or night, Joseph's duty was to hitch up Old Meg to the buggy and drive his mother to the home of the patient. In the daytime or summertime, this work was pleasant. But in the nighttime or wintertime, the work was more challenging. Sometimes they traveled through rain, sleet, or snow in their well-ventilated buggy. And often, upon reaching their destination, Joseph would wait in the buggy while his mother performed her duties inside. Sometimes I nearly froze to death. I marveled that so many babies were born in the middle of the night, especially on cold, winter nights. I fervently wished that mothers might time things a little better.

Preparation of Joseph Fielding Smith: Learning Service in Family Duties

While in his youth, Joseph learns service while assisting his mother in her midwife duties.

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