
No gospel precept resonated with greater importance in the heart of President Joseph Fielding Smith than that of the sanctity of the home and family. His messages to the members of the Church were replete with counsel to parents and children. A priority in his ministry was to strengthen an already revealed institution, that of family home evening. President Smith emphasized that Monday evening should be set aside as a sacred time in which families, uninterrupted by the affairs of the Church or the world, could gather together to be instructed in gospel principles. Under his direction, no Church meetings were to be scheduled or held on Monday evening. In general conference of April 1970, he reminded the Saints-- We plead with fathers and mothers to teach personal purity by precept and example and to counsel with their children in all such things. We ask parents to set an example of righteousness in their own lives and to gather their children around them and teach them the gospel in their family home evenings and at other times. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Teachings of Joseph Fielding Smith: Sanctity of the Family

President Smith seeks to strengthen the Family Home Evening program, pleading with parents to teach the Gospel to their children in their homes.

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