
Well, we're here together on a beautiful morning in anticipation of the new season of seminary when we're going to be studying the New Testament. Why don't you introduce yourselves to me, so that we can have a wonderful discussion here this morning. I'm Liz. You're Liz. I'm Nick. Nick. I'm Camille. Camille. I'm Taylor. Taylor. I'm Maleah. And Maleah. Well, welcome. We're going to talk about one of the most wonderful parts of all of our scripture, because it deals almost totally in the life of Christ. We're talking about wanting to know all we can know about the Savior of the world. The seminary program takes us through the scriptures. They're all very important. But as we have our little discussion today we're going to be talking about some things that Jesus taught, and in the process, try to come to know Him a little better. And then to know those things that we need to do in our own lives that would make us more like Him. When I look at your faces this morning, I go back. If you can't believe this now, I have to go back almost 60, I have to go back 65 years. I'm not sure that's the exact number, but about 65 years. I attended the East High School, and I was invited to go to seminary. Seminary in those days was just early morning. I used to get up when it was dark, but some of the best friends that I have today were my friends in seminary, so you're going to be building friendships that will last forever. That's part of the wonderful thing about seminary. But this morning we're going to talk a little bit about what are some of the things that Jesus taught, in my judgment, that were lessons that we all really need to understand. And I've chosen that maybe we'd start out by talking about the good Shepherd, the 15th chapter of Luke, because it applies to all of us for every seminary all over the world. "And he spake this parable unto them, saying, "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? "And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. "And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost." Are there any lost sheep that you know of in your ward that ought to be coming to seminary? Liz, are you doing to do anything about that? I think the best way we can go about doing that is through being examples and reaching out and giving service to those people who maybe have stopped listening to the voice of the Lord, or never even heard it in the first place. What would happen if every member of the seminary, all the youngsters around the world that are active, what would happen if one of the goals that everyone of you set was, this year I'm going to find one of the lost sheep, and I'm going to do what I can to try to bring that one lost sheep with me to participate in seminary? Can you see how powerful you can individually be? Can I just make a comment? On the D&C, I think it's 20:59, it says, "Invite all to come unto Christ." And I think those who don't have the opportunity to come to seminary should have the opportunity. And the blessings that come out of going to seminary are so wonderful that you should just want to go every day. And I think the people that don't go, we should invite them to come, because everyone is invited to come. Sure. So just think if we had everybody in seminary that was willing to take the objective, I'm going to really try to take the suggestion of Elder Ballard, and find somebody that's now lost that I can help them find their way. Let me give you a word that you want to lock into your minds as a result of this coming season. Teach them. It's different to just try to go out and be pals, and that's important. But in the process of that, don't be afraid to teach them. And when you do that, it's been my experience that the Spirit has its opportunity to touch a heart, and people then can feel the power of the New Testament and can feel the power of the good Shepherd and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. So what have we learned? What have you learned, Liz? Have you learned anything on this one? Oh, definitely. I think something that was actually going through my mind when you made your last comment was that I have a friend who's very active in the Church. And she was just going through a really difficult time, and I think she had started to lose her perspective a little bit, and was shifting more toward worldly things. And she and I were just talking, and she was just telling me how sad and alone she felt. And I said, You know, I want to share something with you, and I just had a quote randomly in my backpack that I had kept from seminary. And I read it to her, and she said, That's exactly what I needed to hear. And she just completely changed. She said, We were studying that last night in scripture study, and you could just hear so much joy that came from the scriptures. And I think that's really what it's about--helping people see how happy they can be with the gospel. Because I think when you haven't had it before, you don't really know what you're missing. That's good. Nick, any experiences? Yeah. Well, just that the Lord is our Shepherd and He keeps track of all of us and knows us personally. And if we can do our part to help Him out, and spread out our hands to those who are in need, and those who maybe don't get a chance to hear the gospel, or like Liz said, going through a tough time, and if we can help them through that, then we can really strengthen our testimony and theirs. Terrific. Cami, what are you learning? Just like you said. Just teaching others about it and inviting them to be more Christlike and wanting them to follow us. We want them to follow Christ and just be more Christlike. I think as seminary students that are active in the Church, we need to absorb the doctrine the New Testament teaches because we are the examples for the lost sheep, and through absorbing this information and being able to share in a way where they will understand it, and where they will feel it, they won't be lost anymore. There you go. I think that, through Christ, and through teaching other people, we can become more like Him and we can get our testimony. Terrific. When someone teaches something, you learn more by the opportunity of teaching. I think over time you'll see more and more opportunities, even in class, where you're going to share with each other and teach each other. And in the process, what happens in the heart, really, what happens internally with us, it helps us anchor ourselves to truth, and helps us to walk through life and stay safe. So be good sheep, will you? That's the purpose of this.

An Apostle's Invitation

Elder Ballard meets with a group of seminary students about their upcoming year of seminary and teaches them about inviting their friends to seminary.

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