undefined undefined Testimony of Joseph Fielding Smith

I know we are engaged in the work of the Lord, and He raises up men to do His work every time and age of the earth's history. I desire to say that no man of himself can lead this Church. It is the Church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head. The Church bears His name. It has His priesthood, ministers His gospel, preaches His doctrine, and accomplishes His work.

He chooses men and calls them to be instruments in His hands to accomplish these purposes. And He guides and directs them in their labors.

But men are only instruments in the Lord's hands, and the honor and glory for all that His servants accomplish is and should be inscribed unto Him forever.

If this were the work of men, it would fail. But it is the work of the Lord, and He does not fail. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Testimony of Joseph Fielding Smith

President Joseph Fielding Smith testifies that the work of the Lord will not fail, and that the Savior's true Church bears His name, His priesthood, and His doctrine.

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