
[MUSIC PLAYING] As a little boy, I had my first intimate touch with Divinity out on a farm where, as a young boy, I was waiting for my father to finish his day's work. Playing about, I saw over the fence into the neighbor's yard some broken down buildings. And I imagined, as a young boy, that that might be a castle that I should explore. So I went over to the fence and started to climb through. And I heard a voice as distinctly as you're hearing mine: "Harold, don't go over there." I looked in every direction to see where the speaker was. I wondered if my father, but he couldn't see me. There was no one in sight. I realized that there was someone that was warning me from an unseen danger, whether a nest of rattlesnakes, whether the rotting timbers would fall on me and crush me, I don't know. But from that time on, as a child, I accepted without question the fact that there were processes not known to man by which we can hear voices from the unseen world, by which we can have brought to us the visions of eternity.

Preparation of Harold B. Lee: Boyhood Revelation

As a boy, Harold is warned by an unseen voice to stay away from an old barn.

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