undefined undefined Ministry of Harold B. Lee: Priesthood Correlation is Created

In 1960, and under the direction of Church President David O. McKay, the First Presidency sent a letter to the General Priesthood Committee, then led by Elder Harold B. Lee. The letter conveyed the prophet's desire that the Church correlate, on a worldwide basis, the instruction and curriculum of all priesthood and auxiliary organizations of the Church. We of the First Presidency have over the years felt a need of a correlation between and among the courses of study put out by the General Priesthood Committee and by the responsible heads of other committees of the General Authorities for the instruction of the priesthood of the Church. We have also felt that there's a very urgent need of a correlation of studies among the auxiliaries of the Church. We therefore commend to you, brethren of the General Priesthood Committee, the beginning of an exhaustive, prayerful study and a consideration of this entire subject with the cooperative assistance of the auxiliaries themselves so that the Church might reap the maximum harvest from the devotion of the faith, intelligence, skill, and knowledge of our various auxiliary organizations and the priesthood committees. As instructed, Harold B. Lee counseled with Church leaders and formulated a plan that renewed efforts to correlate the Church's endeavors in welfare, missionary work, genealogy, education, home teaching, and family home evening. The entire strength of the Church was marshaled to ultimately bless and sustain the home and family.

Ministry of Harold B. Lee: Priesthood Correlation is Created

Under the direction of President David O. McKay, Elder Harold B. Lee is called to oversee the affairs of Church Correlation, that the homes and families of the Church may be blessed.

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