
President Harold B. Lee was always an advocate of teaching gospel principles in the home. Often, he reminded Saints that no success in life can compensate for failure in our homes and families. In October of 1964, President Lee reminded members of the Church that the correlation system was established to bless the family. From the Pulpit in General Conference he declared, First, we must see that the whole effort of correlation is to strengthen the home and to give aid to the home and its problems. Second, the priesthood strength must be fully employed within the total responsibility of priesthood Quorums, as clearly set forth in the Revelations. And third, to survey the purposes lying behind the creation and purpose of each auxiliary organizations. And fourth, that the prime and ultimate objective of all that is done, is the building up of knowledge of the Gospel, a promotion of the faith, growth, and stronger testimony of the principles of the Gospel among the members of the Church.

Ministry of Harold B. Lee: The Purposes of Priesthood Correlation

President Harold B. Lee teaches that the long-range purposes of Church Correlation are to strengthen the home, strengthen the priesthood quorums, and promote faith and testimony in the Church.

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