
When a visiting Church leader reminded the Saints in Thatcher, Arizona, that they should read and study the scriptures, young Spencer Kimball took the challenge to heart. Having never read the Bible from cover to cover, he walked home, climbed up to the attic where he slept, lit an old, coal oil lamp, and commenced reading.

One year later, he closed the book having read every chapter of that glorious text. I found that there were certain parts that were hard for me, for a 14-year-old boy, to understand. There were some pages that were not especially interesting to me. But when I'd read the 66 books, the 1,189 chapters, and the 1519 pages, I had a glowing satisfaction that I had made a goal and that I had achieved it. I'm not telling you this story to boast. I'm merely using this example to say that if I could do it by coal oil light, you can do it by an electric light. I've always been glad that I had the Bible. I read it from cover to cover.

Preparation of Spencer W. Kimball: A Young Boy Reads the Entire Bible

As a boy, Spencer W. Kimball accepts the challenge of a visiting General Authority to read the entire Bible.

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