
[MUSIC PLAYING] President Kimball had a great concern for the Native Americans throughout his life. When he received his patriarchal blessing at the age of 8, he was told, "You will preach the gospel to many people, but more especially to the Lamanites." Shortly after George Albert Smith became President of the Church in 1945, he called Elder Kimball to be responsible for all Church relations with Native Americans. One of Spencer Kimball's most important services to Native Americans was the establishment of the Indian Placement Program, which became an official Church program in 1954. This program provided thousands of young Native Americans the opportunity to receive a formal education as they lived as foster children with participating families. Of his beloved Lamanite brothers and sisters, President Kimball taught, "Assuming that we do our duty to them, the Indians and other sons of Lehi will yet rise in power and strength. The Lord will remember his covenant to them. ... They will come to a knowledge of their fathers and to a perfect knowledge of their Redeemer, Jesus Christ; they shall prosper in the land and will, with our help, build up a holy city, even the New Jerusalem, under their God."

Ministry of Spencer W. Kimball: An Apostle to the Lamanites

Spencer W. Kimball oversees Church programs that will bless the lives of Native Americans.

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