
One man told of watching Apostle Spencer W. Kimball in a church meeting in Denver, Colorado. The closing prayer having concluded, the chapel began to clear. An Indian man with a woman and a boy, dirty and unkempt, walked up the aisle toward the Apostle, the church goers parting as if before lepers. In broken English, the parents asked Elder Kimball to give their sick boy a blessing. Elder Kimball scooped the boy up, hugged him and kissed him, and blessed him while holding him close. If I'd have heard that story, I'd have said that Elder Kimball was just trying to impress onlookers, but I could see his face. I could read the love he had for those people.

Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball: Man of Compassion

Elder Spencer W. Kimball blesses a tiny Native American boy in Denver, Colorado.

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