
Ezra was 12 years old when his father, George, was called to serve an 18-month mission to the midwestern United States. The Bensons were grateful for his opportunity to serve and the blessings that would come to the family. As the oldest son, Ezra assumed additional responsibility in caring for the farm and family.

Each week, the family would receive a letter from their faithful missionary. Each week, the family would gather around the kitchen table to read his words of encouragement and love, and hear of his missionary experiences. President Benson recorded, "There came into that home a spirit of missionary work that never left." All 11 of the Benson children, following their father's lead, later served missions.

Preparation of Ezra Taft Benson: His Father's Mission

Through the missionary letters sent home from his father, Ezra Taft Benson feels the spirit of mission work and gains a testimony thereof.

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