
In December of 1945, Ezra Taft Benson was called to preside over the European mission in the aftermath of World War 2.

His assignment was to reopen missions throughout Europe and to distribute food, clothing, and bedding to suffering Saints.

Serving for 11 months elder Benson traveled across Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Scandinavia.

Meeting in bombed out schoolhouses and meeting houses with Saints who had lost homes, loved ones, and help.

The scenes of starvation and destruction never faded from his memory.

Time after time when permission to enter war torn countries or to distribute supplies seemed impossible to obtain, elder Benson appealed to the Lord to open the way. Barriers were ultimately dissolved and thousands of tons of Church welfare supplies found their way to the Saints of Europe.

Nearly 40 years later Ezra Taft Benson was blessed to return to Germany for the dedication of the Frankfurt Temple. . As President of the Church Ezra Taft Benson oversaw the dedication's of nine temples.

Ministry of Ezra Taft Benson: A Mission President in Europe

Shortly after World War II, Ezra Taft Benson is called as a mission president to oversee the affairs of the Church in war-torn Europe.

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