
In August of 1989, for lifetime dedicated service to country, community, church, and family, Ezra Taft Benson was awarded the US Presidential Citizens Medal from President George H. W. Bush. A portion of the text of the citation that accompanied the medal read as follows: "As agriculture advisor to presidents Roosevelt and Eisenhower, leader of his Church, and 60-year friend of the Boy Scouts of America, he has worked tirelessly. His devotion to family and commitment to the principles of freedom are an example for all Americans. President Benson's love of liberty and country were evidenced in his life's works." This is a choice land, choice above all others. Blessed by the Almighty, our forefathers have made and kept it so. It will continue to be a land of freedom and liberty as long as we are able to advance in the light of sound and enduring principles of right. With all my heart, I love this great nation. It is my firm conviction that the Constitution of this land was established by men whom the God of heaven raised up unto that very purpose. This is part of my religious faith.

Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson: Patriotism and Love of Country

Ezra Taft Benson receives the U.S. Presidential Citizens medal from President George H. W. Bush, recognizing outstanding service to country.

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