
Howard W. Hunter loved the Savior and taught the Saints to follow the Lord's teachings and example in their lives. President Hunter exemplified that which he taught, dedicating his life as a chosen witness of Christ to the service of the Master and Savior. [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC - "ISRAEL, ISRAEL, GOD IS CALLING"] Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. Certainly He is the center of our worship, and the key to our happiness. Let us follow the Son of God in all ways, and all walks of life. Let us make Him our examplar and our guide. We're at a time in the history of the world and the growth of the Church when we must think more of holy things and act more like the Savior would expect His disciples to act. We should at every opportunity ask ourselves, what would Jesus do? And then act more courageously upon the answer. We must be about His work as He was about His Father's.

Teachings of Howard W. Hunter: A Christ-centered Life

President Howard W. Hunter teaches that we must be about Heavenly Father's work just as His Son exemplified.

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