undefined undefined Preparation of Gordon B. Hinckley: A Testimony of Joseph Smith

As a young boy, and after Gordon had been ordained a deacon, he accompanied his father to a stake priesthood meeting. During the singing of the opening hymn, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gordon, bearing testimony of the mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. [MUSIC PLAYING] The meeting was called to order. And the opening song was "Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah." All of the men stood to sing. The hall was filled with men. And they lifted their voices in unison in that great hymn. "Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere." It touched my heart. It gave me a feeling that was difficult to describe. I'd never had it previously, in terms of any church experience. There came into my heart a conviction that the man of whom they sang was really a prophet of God. And I'm grateful to be able to say that that conviction which came, I believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, has never left me.

Preparation of Gordon B. Hinckley: A Testimony of Joseph Smith

Attending a priesthood meeting with his father, young Gordon Hinckley hears men sing of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

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