
Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, I testify to you that the Lord is bound by solemn covenant to give you the blessings according to your faithfulness. If you will heed the voice of the Holy Ghost and follow His direction, you will be blessed with the ministering of angels. This blessing will add wisdom, knowledge, power, and glory to your lives. It is a sure blessing promised to you by the Lord. A few months ago I had the opportunity of attending a ward fast and testimony meeting. One who stood to bear his testimony was an Aaronic Priesthood adviser. His testimony provided me with a new appreciation of what it means for an Aaronic Priesthood bearer to hold the keys of the ministering of angels. This adviser described some experiences he had that morning as he went about his way to Church. As he was walking, he noticed two young deacons with fast-offering envelopes going to the homes of the members. He was impressed with the way they were dressed in their Sunday best and how they approached their assignment with quiet dignity. He then accompanied two priests to administer the sacrament in a resident home for the physically and mentally disabled men. It was the first opportunity for these young men to visit this home, and their adviser noted the respectful and caring way in which they approached their priesthood assignment. Then the adviser shared a brief experience that deeply touched his heart, because one of the priests reminded him of what it really means to be a true minister of Jesus Christ--literally, a ministering angel. The young priest who was passing the water to the congregation came to a man who appeared to have serious Down syndrome. The man's condition prevented him from taking the cup from the tray to drink of it. The young priest immediately assessed the situation. He placed his left hand behind the man's head so he would be in a position to drink, and then with the right hand took the cup from the tray and gently and slowly lifted it to the man's lips. An expression of appreciation came to the man's face--an expression of someone to whom someone else has ministered. This wonderful young priest then went about his assignment and passed the blessed water to the other members of the congregation. The adviser expressed the feeling that he had at that tender moment in his testimony. He said that he wept silently with joy, and he knew the Church was in good hands with young, caring, obedient bearers of the Aaronic Priesthood.

Bearers of the Aaronic Priesthood

Elder Perry shares an experience about some Aaronic Priesthood holders administering the sacrament to individuals living in an assisting living facility.

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