Because we're all different, we're going to need different things as we learn the gospel. The new curriculum gives you freedom to plan a lesson schedule that meets our individual needs.
I have felt a greater dependence on Heavenly Father to help guide me. Actually, it's been very humbling to try and seek His direction to teach what the young women need.
It works like this. The Church has assigned a doctrinal unit each month. There are more lessons in the unit than you'll have time to cover, so don't feel pressure to teach all of them. As you review the lessons, the Spirit can start to inspire you about which ones we need right now. It's about studying the scriptures and the materials that are given to you and then pondering on them throughout your day, applying them in your daily life. As I ponder, Heavenly Father can talk to me about how I need to teach the young women. Very often in my prayers, I'll ask Him to help me be aware of their needs and focus on what really matters. There are other people who can help you know what to teach. Talk with our parents. They know what's going on in our lives outside of church. Coordinate with other leaders and teachers, including our seminary teachers, so you can know what we're learning in other places. You could even ask us. Quorum and class presidency meetings are a great place to get our perspective on what we need to learn. Right now we want to talk a little bit about upcoming lessons, so let's look over these lessons and see what we feel like we need in our quorum. And the first one I circled was "Why does chastity matter?" Said that just because, as youth today, that's one of the main problems with youth is keeping the law of chastity. I think it's a good one for quorum. The Lord will inspire you as you review the lessons and counsel with others. You'll know what you should teach. Then you won't just teach lessons; you'll teach us and lead us to conversion. A gospel teacher, like the Master we serve, will concentrate entirely on those being taught. His or her total concentration will be on the needs of the sheep, the good of the students.