
President Boyd K. Packer said, "A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it." Somewhere on your quest for spiritual knowledge, there is that leap of faith, as the philosophers call it. Making a determined and confident public statement of your belief is such a step into the unknown. When we share our testimonies, the Holy Ghost testifies to us that what we're saying is true.

In our quorum and class meetings, you can invite us to testify. When were testifying, when we're talking to each other, it kind of makes the doctrine deep-rooted in us, and it makes us realize, "Wow, I really do believe that. I really do know that's true." Sometimes you might invite us individually.

[SPEAKING SPANISH] Today, Sister Estefanie asked me to share my testimony in class. I know that the Savior gave His life for us. I felt the Spirit really strong. It was a great experience because it really strengthened my testimony. You can also use questions to help us discover and share our testimonies. The Savior often did it that way.

Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. The Lord comforted Martha by sharing His testimony. I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. He invited her to share her witness through a simple question. Believest thou this? She responded with great faith. Yes, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God who should come into the world. The Spirit witnessed to Martha that what she had said was true.

No matter how you invite us, when we share our testimonies, we'll be strengthened, and we'll strengthen our friends too. I would like to share my testimony about that. I just want you guys to know that making the right decisions every day is crucial, not to stray far from the path.

It's not worth it.

If you guys do stray far from the path, there's always a way back--it's called repentance. To see and to hear and to feel his testimony has really strengthened mine, especially his testimony on the Atonement. I felt the Spirit really strong. I tried not to cry. I don't really like doing that in front of everyone else, but I could definitely feel the Spirit. Help us share our testimonies by inviting us personally or using questions. When we testify, we will feel the Spirit, and our desire to follow the Savior will grow.

Invite Us to Testify

It's important to help the youth share their testimonies by using questions and inviting them personally.

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