
[MUSIC PLAYING] It's important to recognize the purpose of a quorum. And it's vitally important to recognize it is to support families. And so that relationship that we have with parents is important also. Real conversion doesn't happen in the classroom alone. Our greatest growth happens at home with our families.

How can you support our parents in their responsibilities? First, tell them how we are doing. There's times where I'm out doing something at work, and some teachers might go by from the Church. And they would stop me. And they would tell me about my sons, how well they're doing, and the things that they're adding to the class. It gives me confidence. You can help our parents if you counsel with them about what we need to learn in our lives right now. I'm gaining a relationship with parents that they come to me and say, "How's my daughter doing in class?" And I can say, "They are having great experiences. This is what's going on." And it can help strengthen that relationship. At the same time, I can go to them and say, "What can I do to help you as a parent, with your daughter, to be a better parent?" And I've had, actually, a parent come to me before and say, "Hey, Todd, are you interested in teaching this kind of a lesson or going down this pathway?" because they can see the need for their children in that specific area. You can support our parents when you work together with them to help us accomplish our goals. [SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] Most of all, invite us to learn at home the way we're learning at church. If we learn and teach the gospel with our families the way we do with you, we will have powerful experiences that we couldn't have any other way. This has been a continuing message from our prophets since the early days of the organization of the Church. The most important place for the gospel teaching and leadership is in the family and in the home. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Strengthen Our Families

If the youth learn and teach the gospel with their families the way they do with their leaders, they'll have powerful experiences that they couldn't have any other way.

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