[MUSIC PLAYING] In all His teaching, the Savior invited His disciples to not just listen but to act upon His words. Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? The Lord spoke with the young man about his spiritual progress. Then He invited him to take the next step.
One thing thou lackest. Go thy way. Sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor. And thou shalt have treasure in heaven.
As you teach us, help us act on what we're learning. To start, invite us to prepare for class. The quorum president will give an assignment of what needs to be studied this upcoming week. I would say that each week, somewhere around 75%--70 to 75%--come having studied the material now. It hasn't always been that way. But the more often that they have come and been prepared and seen the growth that they have, the more they are now preparing. As you teach, challenge us to live what we learn. At the end of every class, whatever we've been learning in that class, our leader will give us a challenge, whether it be notice the hand of God in our lives more, or choose something you need to become better in, or just something that applies to the lesson. And so, throughout the week, we'll have that challenge to become better. And we'll get texts from the leaders or from the president or whatnot, and they'll text us every couple days to remind us. Follow up on invitations you make, and invite us to share the experiences we've had. So I'm wondering if any of you would like to share. I just made the choice to be more positive, every morning wake up and just try to see the bright side of not only the day but of the people around me. And I noticed that I'm a lot happier. Well, I've decided to try to do little things, just like, since we've had the lesson, I've tried to think of every little choice that I make. And I've been trying to help out around the house. So I've decided that I was going to make my prayers more sincere and make it meaningful and not just a repertory thing. That made a lot of difference. My days just seemed to go smoother, and life was just easier. And I felt like I always had someone with me. And my prayers were just a lot better. Most of all, encourage us to pray, study, and be obedient to the commandments. Our conversion will only come by applying what we learn to our personal lives. This may be your greatest responsibility to help us learn to live the gospel. [MUSIC PLAYING]