undefined undefined Value of a Full-Time Mission

[MUSIC PLAYING] Young men, I admonish you to prepare for service as a missionary. I repeat what prophets have long taught--that every worthy, able young man should prepare to serve a mission. You help so many people feel the love of Christ. You help them find something more in life. I think everybody deserves to know why they are here on this earth. He actually used to help other people as well. And that's what makes a mission something special, really. It was joy. And you felt good helping others. Maintain your health and strength. Study the scriptures. Keep yourselves clean and pure and worthy to represent the Lord. I prepared for my mission by reading the scriptures, by praying, and by working. I read pretty much the whole New Testament. I started reading the Book of Mormon. I started looking through Preach My Gospel. Of course it took also some repentance. I knew that if I was going to serve on a mission, I really needed to be as worthy as possible. I am looking for men, young and old, who care enough about this battle between good and evil to sign on and speak up. If required, I am asking you to get active and get clean. The time before my mission, I was a normal person in the world. I didn't really look forward to serving a mission. [SPEAKING SPANISH] What prevented me from serving a mission were material things, the things of the world, the things that don't have much worth. I changed my life. I changed my habits, my thoughts, my feelings. [SPEAKING SPANISH] We have been friends ever since I arrived here in Holland. We did a lot of fun things together. We were really best friends, and I encouraged him to go on a mission. [SPEAKING SPANISH] He sent me a letter telling me how he felt at the MTC. When I began reading it, I read all his feelings about the experiences that he had had in just one month. It made me feel that it was a decision that I needed to make as well. Going on a mission is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sebastian wrote me back, and he said that he wanted to serve a mission. He knew that this was important to do and that he was willing to sacrifice his life.

[SPEAKING SPANISH] From that moment, everything changes completely. You start living a better life. Pray about it. Study the scriptures and pray about it, and you'll know that Heavenly Father--He won't force you, but He'll strongly encourage you to go. I went on my knees, and then I prayed. And I felt that I should serve at the time I did. I just felt the Spirit so strongly. It's just undescribable. Go on a mission; it's what the prophet asks us to do. My young friends, we need tens of thousands of more missionaries in the months and years that lie ahead. With all that there is to do, we need a lot more missionaries opening that gate and helping people through it. My favorite part of serving a mission will be to make people smile and to help them see the joy that comes from the gospel. I know that the gospel's true, because I felt it. I know that we really have a Heavenly Father that loves us. That He really is the Father of our spirits. And that's the reason why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ is our brother, our Savior, and our Redeemer. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of the Lord. And I know that the Book of Mormon is a testament of Jesus Christ, and it really helps us to understand the picture of life. The Lord needs you. The people need you in the country that you will serve. And we also need you as missionaries. We can't do this by ourselves. There's a lot of people outside who are waiting especially for you. Make yourselves available to leave home and give full-time missionary service. Unbind your tongues and watch your words work wonders in the lives of those "who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it."

Value of a Full-Time Mission

Missionaries from around the world share their testimonies of blessings received from choosing to serve a mission.

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