

Oh, it's good to see you.

We need to talk. I'm out of here, Brittany's picking me up in a minute. Dad, I've got a test in physics tomorrow. Can we please talk?

Just take a minute.

I went to see Bishop Harris tonight.

And I've spent a lot of time thinking.

Since your mom got sick, I guess we'd all have to admit that our family's kind of fallen apart. It's not like we were all together before that. I know. I suppose that's part of the problem. I've given your mother several priesthood blessings. I don't have to tell you this, but I haven't been the strongest priesthood holder these last few years.

If I had been-- Dad-- you can't blame yourself. Who do I blame?

I'm worried about our family.

The bishop talked to me about healing and faith.

He said that maybe mother's not the only one who's sick in our family. He read to me a talk one of the brethren gave.

And in this talk he said that whatever Jesus lays his hands on, will live.

If He lays his hands on a marriage, it will live.

If He lays his hands on a-- on a family, it will live.

I think it's time we let the Savior put his hands on our family.

We need to show a little faith. [HORN HONKING] I think it's a little late for that. I hope not. At least I'd like to try.

Will you try, Alicia?



I don't know.

I understand.

Will you think about it? [HORN HONKING]

Good, pal. Good times! [LAUGHS] You're going down. You got me a soda? Thanks! Hey, did you [INAUDIBLE] with my soda. You OK? Your soda? Yeah. I've got to go. Oh, man! [MUSIC - "MAKE YOU WHOLE"] (SINGING) How can I face all this suffering?

How can I bear all this pain?

Why does each day seem impossible to face? Can all my prayers be in vain?

Can I endure it all? Save me before I fall. Can I hold on for one more day?

This pain is more than I can bear.

Does someone really care?

Darkness appears all around me.

And peace is gone from my heart.

I can't see clearly to find my way back home.

Can't find a place to start. Can someone touch my soul to mend and make me whole?

Oh, give me courage to be strong. When will this suffering finally end? Will I be whole again?

Hi. Hi.

So what your mom say now? I'm not very good at these things.

Um, she would say, how was your day?

How was your day? [MUSIC - "MAKE YOU WHOLE"] (SINGING) There is one who gave His life for you.

He'll take your pain. If you have faith and trust in Him, He'll make you whole again.

With great mercy He will gather you, and great shall be your peace.

Trust in Him to heal your soul.

If you will reach, He'll raise you up and make you whole.

With great mercy He will gather you, and great shall be your peace.

Trust in Him to heal your soul.

If you will reach, He'll raise you up and make you whole.

A Test of Faith

(Matthew 9) The members of a family in trouble discover the Savior's power to heal physically and spiritually. Segment 2 - A test of faith.

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