
One of the first commandments given to Adam was that he should worship the Lord and offer the firstlings of each flock as an offering to Him. This ordinance was given to remind the people that Jesus Christ would come into the world and would ultimately offer Himself as a sacrifice. From that day down to the time of the Savior, Heavenly Father's children were commanded to offer sacrifices. This was continued with the Savior's atoning sacrifice. Then, the night before He completed that sacrifice, the Savior instituted the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to help us remember Him and the Atonement He made for all mankind. Thus, in the ancient law of sacrifice and in the Sacrament, the Lord has helped us to be certain that we do not forget His promises and the requirements that we follow Him and obey His will. The purpose of partaking of the Sacrament is, of course, to renew the covenants we have made with the Lord. Elder Delbert L. Stapley instructed us in this when he said this about commandments-- covenants. The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is a covenant between God and His people. When baptized by authorized servants of God, we covenant to do God's will and to obey His commandments. By taking of the Sacrament, we renew all covenants entered into with the Lord and pledge ourselves to take upon us the name of the Son to always remember Him and keep His commandments. The Sacrament is one of the most sacred ordinances in the Church. Partaking of the Sacrament worthily gives us an opportunity for spiritual growth. During the administration of the Sacrament, we set aside the world. It is a period of spiritual renewal as we recognize the deep spiritual significance of the ordinance offered to each of us personally. If we were to become casual in partaking of the Sacrament, we would lose the opportunity for spiritual growth. Elder Melvin J. Ballard once said, I am a witness that there is a spirit attending the administration of the Sacrament that warms the soul from head to foot. You feel the wounds of the Spirit being healed and the load is lifted. Comfort and happiness come to the soul that is worthy and truly desires to partake of this spiritual food.

Sacredness of the Sacrament

(Matthew 26:26-29) L. Tom Perry speaks about the sacredness of the Sacrament.

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