
You remember the account of John the Baptist speaking to John the Beloved and to Andrew on the occasion when the Savior joined them. And John the Baptist commented, behold, the Lamb of God. And the Savior joined those three young men, John the Baptist, John the Beloved, and Andrew. And as He joined them, He said, what seek ye? And in that conversation that's reported, that's written, one of them said, where dwellest Thou? And the Savior said, follow me and see. And they followed the Savior, and according to that brief account that we have, they stayed with Him until the 10th hour. They may have spent the evening together, but it is not known where He was staying or what accommodations He might have had. But those young men, John and Andrew, were with the Savior for several hours. Just imagine being in His presence, or being able to sit and look into His eyes, or to hear Him tell who He is and why He had come to earth and to hear that inflection in His voice in describing what He would've told those young men. They would have shaken His hand. They would have felt that precious, wonderful personality as they would have listened to Him. And following that encounter, the account says that Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, because he had to share it with someone. And so as we meet at a great conference like this and talk about the Gospel, and talk about our responsibility, the opportunity we have, just imagine if that had happened to any of us. To have been in that divine, precious personality's presence and to have listened to it, and to have shaken His hand and to look into His eyes and to hear what He would say. And when Andrew found his brother Simon, he said to him, we have found the Messiah. He probably said, we've been in His presence. We felt of His personality. We know that what He's telling us is true. But Andrew had to share it with someone. And that is what we do, in sharing what we know and what we understand. And I'm grateful for that knowledge that I have that God lives, that He is our Father, and the image that I have of our Heavenly Father and of His son, Jesus the Christ, our Savior and the Redeemer of all of mankind.

Finding The Lamb

David B. Haight speaks about finding the Lamb of God. John 1:36-41

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