
What does it mean to be the seed of Abraham? Scripturally, it has a deeper meaning than being his literal descendants. The Lord made a covenant with Abraham, the great patriarch, that all nations would be blessed through him. Any man or woman can claim the blessings of Abraham. They become his seed and an heir to the promised blessings by accepting the gospel, being baptized, entering into temple marriage, being faithful in keeping their covenants, and helping to carry the gospel to all the nations of the earth. As the seed of Abraham, we have some obligations. We are commanded to come to Christ by doing the works of Abraham. These works include obedience to God, receiving and keeping the priesthood and temple ordinances of covenants, preaching the gospel, building a family unit and teaching our children, and being faithful to the end.

Seed Of Abraham

James E. Faust speaks about the Seed of Abraham. John 8:33-59

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